• How can I follow my favorite authors on BookBub?

    To get started, click on your name in the upper-right corner of our website and select “Discover Authors” from the drop-down menu that appears. On this page, you’ll see several tabs located under the Discover Authors header, one of them being the “Search” tab — click on this tab to…

  • What is ‘Women’s Fiction’?

    Women’s fiction is a category of literature that often centers around a woman embarking on an emotional journey. Popular themes include female friendship, sisterhood, family drama, and romantic relationships. Romance Writers of America defines women’s fiction as “a commercial novel about a woman on the brink of life change and personal growth….

  • Does BookBub have an LGBT category?

    Yes! You can browse the latest deals in our LGBT category here: LGBT. If you’d like to change your categories, you can update your preferences here: Category Preferences.

  • Why am I seeing books that I didn’t sign up for?

    After you sign up and set your category preferences, you should only see books that match those preferences in your BookBub emails and on our Recommended for You page. However, you may see books that don’t match your preferences while browsing the rest of our website — or listed on Facebook,…

  • Why don’t you have the categories I’m looking for?

    BookBub offers over 30 categories to choose from. To learn how you can update your current categories, please visit this page: How can I update my category preferences? If we don’t currently have the category you’re looking for, we’re constantly expanding our selection, so please keep checking back! And if…

  • What is ‘New Adult Romance’?

    New Adult is a genre of fiction that features characters commonly between 18 and 25 years old. Often set in college or the early post-grad years, New Adult novels focus on independence and new experiences, as the protagonists tackle their first time living away from home, beginning a career, or falling…

  • Can I request a specific book?

    If you’re looking for a particular book, we’d recommend browsing our website by category. You can browse our latest deals here: BookBub – Latest Deals. The deals vary from day to day depending on what publishers and authors make available, but we’re constantly expanding our selection, so stay tuned!

  • How do I return a book I purchased?

    If you need a refund for a recent purchase, please contact the retailer where you bought the book (for example, Amazon, Apple, Kobo, or Barnes & Noble). It may help to send them a copy of your order confirmation. You can contact your retailer using the links below: Amazon Kindle…

  • How do I download a book from Kobo?

    To order a book from Kobo, simply follow our links to the book’s page at Kobo and press “Buy Now” (or “Add to Library” for free books). You may have to sign in to Kobo before ordering. Each deal is only available for a limited time, and prices may change without…

  • How do I download a book from Google Play?

    To order a book from Google Play, simply follow our links to the book’s page at Google Play and press “Buy” (or “Free” for free books). You may have to sign in to Google Play before ordering. Each deal is only available for a limited time, and prices may change without…