• How can I update my email address with BookBub?

    If you’d like your BookBub emails to be sent to a different email address, you can submit your new address here: Update Your Account. (You may be asked to sign in to BookBub first.) If you have any trouble accessing your current BookBub account, then we’d suggest creating a new account with…

  • Why can’t I sign in to BookBub?

    If you’re having trouble signing in to BookBub, we’d first recommend confirming that cookies are enabled in your web browser. If cookies are enabled and you’re still having trouble signing in, we’d suggest resetting your password and trying again. If you’re not sure what your BookBub password is, you can request…

  • How can I update my retailer preferences?

    If you’d like to see links for other retailers in your BookBub emails, you can update your retailer preferences at any time by visiting our website, here: Retailer Preferences.  (You may have to sign in first.) You can also update your preferences by clicking the “update your preferences” link at the bottom…

  • How can I update my category preferences?

    You can change the types of books you receive in your BookBub emails by updating your category preferences. You can update these at any time by visiting the BookBub website, here: Category Preferences. (You may have to sign in first.) You can also update your preferences by clicking the “update your…

  • How do I create a new password?

    If you’ve forgotten your password, or don’t have one, you can make a new password here: Create a New Password If you’re not sure what your BookBub password is, you can request a link sent to your email address that will allow you to bypass entering a password at all when…

  • I’d like to receive more free book deals from BookBub.

    If you’d like to receive more free books in your BookBub emails, we’d recommend signing up for additional retailers or categories. You can update your account here: Category Preferences. You may have to sign in first. In the meantime, you can browse our latest free deals here: Free Ebooks. Each deal is…

  • How can I resubscribe to BookBub?

    If you’ve unsubscribed from our emails, you can resubscribe by signing in to your account (BookBub – Sign in), navigating to the email settings page (https://www.bookbub.com/settings/email-subscriptions), and updating your settings for the email you’d like to resubscribe to. If you forgot your password, you can always request a Magic Link,…

  • Can I change how often I get BookBub emails?

    If you’re signed up for BookBub and would like to receive fewer emails, we can send you a weekly email instead. You can select whether you’d like to be emailed daily, weekly, or not at all here: Email Preferences. (You may have to sign in first.)

  • How do I unsubscribe from BookBub emails?

    If you’d like to unsubscribe from our emails, simply click the “Unsubscribe from BookBub” link at the bottom of your BookBub email to update your email preferences. In order to opt-out of all emails, be sure to uncheck every box on the Email Subscriptions page and then click the “Save…

  • Why am I not getting my BookBub email?

    If you’re not receiving your BookBub emails, the first thing we’d recommend is checking your email preferences here. (You may have to sign in first.) On the email preferences page, you can choose to receive daily emails, weekly emails, or no emails at all. If you’re signed up for daily…